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Orthoscopics - Need for "Planetary" Eyepieces?

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I have hitched my skateboard (a.k.a. standardised!) to Baader Hyperions for BOTH my modest refractor and MAK. I do indeed find they are GREAT general purpose eyepieces AND realistically, cannot afford to support, previously envisaged, "extended families" of other ones. (Lanthanums, Posh Possls etc.) BUT I still wonder about the potential of "planetary eyepieces". High light transmission, sharper close to an (albeit restricted) FOV axis etc. - Particularly with the "CAT"(adiopteric). I see Baader also make a "Genuine Orthoscopic" range, for about the price of a Hyperion and good claims are made for them... 8)

I do have a yen for a little planetary work but, given my modest (tho' reasonable) scopes, indifferent seeing etc. would ultimate investment in additional orthoscopics (at the same focal lengths as the shorter Hyperions) be a sensible course? I assume too that othoscopics have a fairly short (and diminishing!) eye-relief with focal length - Yet I can find no figures. That again offset by (again) the fact that you don't have to see "around the corner" to some wide-angle field edge etc. Clearly argument pro and con can be made. Anyone have any thoughts on the (venerable) Orthoscopic? :lol:

As ever there is the argument that "bedroom" guitarists don't merit vintage Stratocasters (guitars) etc. I certainly didn't! :)

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Otho's are great eyepieces but they are not suitable for people who need longer eye-relief.

The eye relif on an orthoscopic is half the focal length.

I have 7 Orthos ranging from 25mm too 4mm and for the 4,5 & 6mm you have to get right upto the eyepiece.



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Thanks (ALL)! I suspect that, personally, eye-relief may be an issue, with "genuine" ortho types. I wear glasses most times, but can be flexible - As ever, such things might not lead to a total exclusion. As I play around the limiting magnification of a "bog-standard MAK", I still suspect there may be "planetary fun" pushing the boundaries on a clear night! RUSS, since you mention "Burgess/TMB" , I might indeed investigate the (5) - 7 - 9mm area. Thanks for the link. :)

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