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Lens advise please

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Hi Pat,

The Revelation ones are decent but the usual advice is to buy just the ones you need separately - you may well find you don't use all the stuff in the set so that would be a waste of money.

First Light Optics do that kit at a slightly lower cost:

Eyepiece Sets - Revelation Photo-Visual Eyepiece kit

But why not give them a ring and see what they can offer you down the "separates" route.

Single eyepiece start at around £20 new and quality goes up with price, as you would expect. You can get some very nice eyepieces for well under £50 apiece though.

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I recently bought a hyperion. Ok, expensive I know but very good quality. What I found out was that you can put fine tuning rings into them to change the FL, so the 5 can become a 3.2, 4.6 or 2.6, their 17 for example becomes 13,11 and 9. They also have a camera thread and an adapter to T2. I was gonig to get the revelation set and I know they are expensive but when I wanted a range of just short focal length, they actualy work out as good value?

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I recently bought a hyperion. Ok, expensive I know but very good quality. What I found out was that you can put fine tuning rings into them to change the FL, so the 5 can become a 3.2, 4.6 or 2.6, their 17 for example becomes 13,11 and 9. They also have a camera thread and an adapter to T2. I was gonig to get the revelation set and I know they are expensive but when I wanted a range of just short focal length, they actualy work out as good value?

I went this route with the Hyperion myself, bought both tuning rings. Wow 5 eyepieces in one i thought....job done. But soon found the tuning rings weren't suited to use in the field and were just what the name suggests.....a tuning ring. Making the eyepiece better suited to the focal length of your scope, to achieve the most usable power. Not actually a case of 5 eyepieces in one.

Some may disagree with this and not have a problem unscrewing and screwing rings in the dark, while hoping in that time the object hasn't drifted out of view. But for me it was totally impractical.

The Revelation ones are decent but the usual advice is to buy just the ones you need separately - you may well find you don't use all the stuff in the set so that would be a waste of money.

John is right. The sets don't always provide the best value. Although 5 GSO Plossls (which these are) would cost over £150 bought separately. So throw in the barlow and filters plus the case and that's good value. Whether you would need or use half of what's in the case is another matter.

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...Some may disagree with this and not have a problem unscrewing and screwing rings in the dark, while hoping in that time the object hasn't drifted out of view. But for me it was totally impractical...

I agree 100%, having tried it !. In their instructions Baader stipulate that you should intall the rings in a controlled enviroment because of the risk of getting dist, etc inside the eyepiece and onto either the lenses in the main body of the eyepiece or those in the lower barrel. I'm a bit paranoid about dust in eyepieces so it's a major disincentive to me.

Mind you the fine tuning rings are very useful for other purposes such as extending 2" eyepiece barrels :icon_eek:

Edit: Here's an idea for a new product - a sealed, helical extension tube so you could create a zoom Hyperion...

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Edit: Here's an idea for a new product - a sealed, helical extension tube so you could create a zoom Hyperion...

May be that's how the Hyperion clickstop zoom works. Ok, it's not sealed, for that you will probably need the XW zoom which cost 2.5 times more.

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My advice would be to buy just 2 eyepieces of the best quality you can afford, a low power and a high power, you can fill in the gap (ie mid-power) later. I had a 20mm & a 9mm for years (and years......and years......) and felt not the slightest need for any others until I built my 13 inch.

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A 5 eyepiece kit for 130 quid is cheap. I agree with Alan. I'd rather have a couple of good eyepieces then 5 cheap ones. I have no experience with the kit you mention but I'd shop around and look at reviews of other eyepieces before going for that.

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I went this route with the Hyperion myself, bought both tuning rings. Wow 5 eyepieces in one i thought....job done. But soon found the tuning rings weren't suited to use in the field and were just what the name suggests.....a tuning ring. Making the eyepiece better suited to the focal length of your scope, to achieve the most usable power. Not actually a case of 5 eyepieces in one.

Some may disagree with this and not have a problem unscrewing and screwing rings in the dark, while hoping in that time the object hasn't drifted out of view. But for me it was totally impractical.

John is right. The sets don't always provide the best value. Although 5 GSO Plossls (which these are) would cost over £150 bought separately. So throw in the barlow and filters plus the case and that's good value. Whether you would need or use half of what's in the case is another matter.

Couldn't agree more! Quick post and didn't want to ramble on! The Hyperion finetuning bits give you an option. I specifically wanted a short FL lens but not sure exactly what FL. Mucking about with the tuning rings in the dark is not at all practical, but you do have choice, set it up and stick with it for that eve. I wanted the revelation kit but knew I wouldn't use half of them (still tempted a lot!), replacing the SW barlow made me um and r a bit, (there are very mixed reviews about the barlow, luv and hate thing). Somone suggested TMB from these Sky's the Limit Astro and Optical items - Get great deals on Astronomical Telescopes, Spotting Scopes items on eBay.co.uk Shops! who now appear to be "off air", I might try one to replace the 25 I have? Any way, I agree. Best thing to do is to try one. V pleased with the hyperion, used the ring once out of about 5 sessions so far (fog/rain/etc) but the contrast is so much better. Its is big though, probably wouldnt want to dangle it off a cheap barlow!


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Thanks for all that advise guys, going to wait until payday and try astrofest see what deals are on if any. If not will try and get a couple of good lenses and a camera mount, any thoughts on imaging to laptop, I know you can get webcams but are they any good. I am keen for a solution for my 9 year old, he will often be in a wheelchair and getting to a lens without banging mount etc is a real pain in the dark (just ask my toes). I appreciate that I Amy not get the same definition but I wan him to experience it as good as it can be and will part with a few bob if required to do so, he has already started his star notebook. Page one Orion with his sketches and star names, give him a year and he will be teaching me.

Cheers all

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I bought the Revelation kit today, having had the chance to see it in a shop at Scopes n' Skies. The kit I got has the 9mm, 15mm, 20mm and 32mm eyepieces plus the case, decent barlow, moon filter and T ring. It was all for about £90 which, when you consider that the e.p's sell for £30 each seems a good deal to me.

I'm told that these eyepieces are made by the company (GSO) that used to manufacture the Meade eyepieces and have a great reputation. While they aren't Meade branded they are the same but without the logo. I note they also won the group test in Sky at Night although I don't know what the competition was.

I haven't had a chance to test them yet, doesn't look too hopeful for tonight. I'm impressed with the build and the 32mm e.p. is massive and also converts to a projection eyepiece for attaching a camera.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to try them soon.

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