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Learning the constellations

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Hi All,

Before I purchase a telescope I'd like to learn as many of the constellations as possible. The last few nights I've been out for walks in the countryside armed with an iphone app & binos and I've identified like 7 constellations. There are a few others that I can't quite identify all the stars in but I can tell the region. It definitely adds to the magic when I know what I'm looking at.

Anyway does anyone have any tips to share on the best ways to learn the constellations - any books/software/apps/methods etc.?

BTW the iphone app i'm using is http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/planets/id305793334?mt=8 it's free and shows major constellations & planets



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Buy the current issue of "Astronomy Now" or "The Sky at Night" magazines. They have excellent monthly star maps which will give you all the information you need and lots more besides.

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Stellarium and the popular monthly magazine guides I totally agree with, and give yourself a full year to learn them gradually. Star Walk I don't know about so wont comment.

A good book is "Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders". Objects are explained by constellation along with 'how to find' info. With that and the mags you'll soon learn when things are coming round and how to find them :)

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I would agree that sitting in the garden with a warm cuppa and a planisphere is the simplest way to learn the sky, no need for binoculars, a scope, or computer. I would get the larger planisphere though as it has more detail.

I first did this when I got into astronomy 25 years ago and still use my planisphere now....in fact Ive just come back from showing a friend how to use his new scope and took my trusty old planisphere along.



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The way I learn the constellations is with a planisphere and Binos while sat in my back yard. Had some really good viewing sessions like this.

I have to concur too. I have had so much fun from August last year with binoculars and a planisphere. I am amazed when I look back at how much I have learned in a few short months. I can now quite easily identify the larger/brighter constellations which I can then use to find the more difficult ones.

I have finally bit the bullet and got myself a scope but I shall always take the planisphere and bins out too.

Had many "wow" moments along the way too!

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