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Making Notes


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When I first started with this Hobby I read that it is a good idea to keep notes on what we observe.

Does anybody do this and if so what format do you use for keeping information that you observe.

Is there a set format that can be used and once you have the observations what do you do with them.

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Hi Valleyman. I myself have just started to do this for several reasons. What i have done is bought a large pad, and split it into sections. dso,s, planets, and lunar and solar.

For me it is a great help. One, for double checking on how many lunar craters i have so far seen, and the same for the dsos etc.

Also, i have now started to put the time, date, seeing conditions and location next to them for a look back .

It will be good to see in the future when looking back to compare them over a period of time.

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I use the same large pad method and then I generally type everything onto the comp for easy lookback when I cant remember if I've already observed something (the list being extremely small at the minute but hopefully advancing rapidly).


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