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Which mount is best for astro photography


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I have recently looked at getting into astro photography, and I am looking to take my Meade LX90 off its mount and place it on a mount such as a Celestron or Skywatcher.

Could anybody tell me which is the better quality and how accurate either of these are in taking deep space images?

I also have the option of using my Nikon D3x and 300mm f2.8 apo lens, with an Astrotrac, I may or my not purchase. What are your thoughts?

Any comments would be very welcome


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I'm pleased with my Celestron CG5-GT mount. It is portable, sturdy, and so far (touch wood) reliable. Our sponsor bills it as essentially being the same as the Skywatcher EQ5 Pro and made by the same people, but at a more favourable price.

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Best astrophotography mount ... probably a Tak EM400, Astrophysics AP1200 or a Paramount ME. Each come with an astronomical price tags.

If you look at best valued mount, Vixen GPDX/D2+SS2K is said to be very accurate, even better than Sphinx. NEQ6 for its load carrying capacity and low price.

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The LX90 has a long focal length which lies outside the real comfort zone of all budget mounts. Any such mount will require very careful aligning, balancing and possibly fine mechanical tuning to deliver the accuracy needed for long exposures. Payload is less of an issue here than accuracy at long FL.

The autoguiding will also need to be carefully calibrated and on form. An off axis guider would be best because it will guide out mirror flop to some extent.

I would say, are you sure you want to demolish the LX90 and risk not getting the guiding accuracy you need? I did this and wish I hadn't, especially since my own SCT was not an imaging success at the end of the day anyway. I know a number of people who have had the same experience.

My own inclination would be to sell it as a sound going concern and get a DS imaging setup optimized as such from the ground up. There are a lot of 'issues' afflicting Meade SCTs for DS imaging.


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