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Skies are clearing!


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Finally all this damned cloud is slowly going. I've got pretty good seeing (first time ive used that word so far woo!) here but my telescope hasn't arrived yet. As a beginner I've probably mistaken what I can see but I think I can see Jupiter, saw the constellation of Cassiopeia and I'm not sure but I think I may have seen a supernova. Probably going to sound stupid now but I was looking for constellations then below I saw a very quick flash of apparent white light. Lasted about 1 second and was the brightest thing in the sky. Was due north at an elevation from the horizion about 30 degrees. I may have just imagined it but I highly doubt it. So could it have been my first supernova sighting?

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The skies are currently clear here, well mostly, and I have just been out with the in the last hour to image the ISS. There is a fair amount of wispy cloud about at the moment but nothing too much so I should be able to get out later and do a little bit of deep sky.

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What scope have you ordered? As for the flash of light you saw I can be 1000% sure it ws not a supernova, these are extremely hard to see and take place in remote galaxies so a large scope is required.

Let us know how your first night turns out when your scope finally arrives.

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ordered the skywatcher skyliner 250px dob and yeah I'll be doing a review on it I.e the actual scope and then a first viewing review.

I feel kind of stupid now lol but then I guess better to be curious than not at all.

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ordered the skywatcher skyliner 250px dob and yeah I'll be doing a review on it I.e the actual scope and then a first viewing review.

I feel kind of stupid now lol but then I guess better to be curious than not at all.

hey theres no stupid questions just stupid answers,never be afraid to ask on here no matter how "stupid" u may think it is!:eek:

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Damn :eek: oh well I saw something, haven't even seen a star for about 4 weeks lol

Count yourself lucky. If it was a flare and you had not planned to observe it and saw it purly by chance...........thats quite rare.

Most people who see them plan to observe them at the given time that they pass over.

I've seen 3 purely by chance. Maybe 2 of them were the same one because they happened within seconds of each other.

If i had planned to see them i'm sure i'd have missed them.

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