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spc900nc with scope help

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hi ive just set up the camera with the scope and adaptor i got the ir/uv filter too all from morgons but all i see on the cam is black it will change if u like wave ur hand infront of the scope so in that sense its working but i can get a picture or anything through it its just black even in the day can anyone help me please?

im using

880 cam flash to spc900nc

barlow lens

and yes the finder is setup and should all be looking at something

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Ok, I'd suggest ignoring the philips software, it's a bit hard to control. I don't know sharpcap, but should be ok. It sounds like you are way off on focus. There's more than enough focus travel in the skymax to deal with that. The difficulty is finding the subject in the narrow fov the webcam and skymax give you, when you're out of focus that far to start with. The moon makes this much easier though. Best I can offer, push up the gain high (it'll overexpose any target, but that's ok) it'll give you something to use... Wind through the focus, you're looking for a donut or blob... the donut indicates that you are near focus, getting smaller as you get near to spot on. Then back off the gain and keep going, repeat until you've got it right. Spend more time than you think you need getting the focus right though.

Start this without the barlow, it'll increase your chances of finding your subject, then once you've got it focused, and centered, you can add the barlow back in and repeat.

And don't forget to allow the scope time to cool down.

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oh ok great thanx :( its pretty cloudy here atm would like a street lamp far away do for trying to focus? and it sounds like i stupidly presumed that because its in focus when u look therough the eye piece it would be through the cam duh on me many thanks for your help :)

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A streetlamp will work to practice on. Most things aren't parfocal (reach focus at the same point) unless you're really lucky. I don't think any of my eyepieces are parfocal with any of the cameras I have, and they aren't parfocal with each other...

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don`t forget that the webcam is the same as a 6mm eyepiece so will have a small field of view, using a barlow as well will make it smaller, try focusing without the barlow first.

i use wx astrocapure for the webcam images, the philips software is really for using as a webcam and not for astro imaging purposes

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i had the same worry when i set up my spc900 (880 flashed) but once i had it in my scope and pointed at the moon it was a different story, keep the philips software on your laptop but get craterlet or sharpcap to control the image process, you will then have to process the avi files you capture in registax

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Hi Smokeydog,

A good tip is to start with your lowest power eyepiece and center the object (20-25mm). Carefully switch to something like a 12mm and then re-center. Switch again to a higher power like a 6mm as mentioned and then get the object as close as you can to dead center. Carefully replace the eyepiece with the webcam (no barlow yet). Again, avoid the Phillips software! Astrocapture is excellent but Sharpcap works well and is simple to use. Start with the gain up high and you should see something like a bright blob on screen.

Trial and error from this point I'm afraid but you can get a good start by reading this article... Webcam Astrophotography Tutorial for Planets

Good luck and enjoy.

Regards Tony

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