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Mount problems ...GUTTED!!

peter shah

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TYPICAL!!!! one of the clearest nights we've had in ages(well two nights on the run) and the mount decides to pack up....i felt like kicking it over the field angry4.gif

The G11 is doing all kinds of strange things...... not tracking at siderial, pointing to the opposite side of the sky, resetting the cmos on startup, losing location settings..... going straight into cold start instead of giving me startup opitions....Ive changed the cmos battery but its still the same....any ideas

either way thats at least two clear nights waisted:angryfire:

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Could be a circuit board damaged through thermal shock. Depending on how confident you feel about it, it may be worth having a look at the circuit board inside the mount and checking for plug in components and ensuring that they are correctly seated by pressing them gently into their sockets - I have lost count of how many devices I have fixed by this simple procedure.

It could also be a damp ingress problem - Disconnect each plug and socket within and then immediately re-connect them as this will 'clean' the terminal connectors.

I would also suggest running the gear up in a dummy session inside your house at room temperature to try and determine if it is the cold that is leading to the problems.

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Please excuse my ignorance, but could it be a handset problem similar to the Synscan issue with the cold (in so far as it doesn't work properly at v low temps?)?

I hope that you get it sorted Peter.



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I hope Peter you can sort it out, my Vixen Atlux went mental, it turned out it was moisture on the control circuit board, it was dripping due to poor design/positioning, I had to get a new one at £70 to fix it.

If it turns out to be the case PM me as I can get the new board "conformally coated" for free which will stop it happening again

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Many thanks for the helpful suggestions....the board looks dry and in good condition ive checked the plugs changed the battery reset the cmos.....thermal shock sound likely... but it hasnt been 100% since the day i had it, usually a reboot sorted out the niggles....who knows! it looks like im going to have to speak to the Losmandy blokey :D so im not going to imaging tonight:mad: oh well early to bed for me then:(

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