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Orion Mosaic - What is in the area ?


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Well I have a reasonable pic of M42 (50 x 1 mins) and am planning what to have a go at next. I belive the Orion area has a lot, like the Horse Head, Flame, Running Man etc, so as always questions

Is there a graphic anywere that shows what makes up this awesome area so I can plan what to do next

If im doing a mosaic is there a logical order to targets M42, then M43 etc ?

Im assuming once I know the targets I can simply use GOTO for each so they will have overlap areas and therefore allow Mosaic mode in DSS

Would I try and get the same exposure lengths for each area.

Say I end up with 10 image sessions which cover the area would I batch stack in DSS in one go (assuming I would but just checking)

Kit is listed in my signature


John B

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Wow, dont think im in that league, however after research im going to try and get the following with say 30 mins on each and im assuming there will be enough overlap for DSS to stack

The Orion Nebula - M42

De Mairan's Nebula - M43

Running Man Nebula - NGC 1977


Horsehead Nebula - IC434

Flame Nebula - NGC 2024

if i get good at it it would be good to bridge the gap but im happy with the above to see how i go

John B

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