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Jupiter SEB revival Nov 24th Flextube 250

Space Cowboy

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The mark is visible Stuart, but hard to see as the image is fairly dark.

Possibly due to under exposure? Have you tried stretching the histogram, or lengthening exposure time (or upping gain)?

Your pic shows that the outbreak continues to spread :)

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Thanks Clayton,

I see what you mean now i'm looking at it with my pc monitor it looked better on the netbook. I did other avis at higher gain but they did not show any more detail. Anyhow it was a quick process so will try some reprocessing.

Seeing was not great and probably had some dew on secondary as my dew shield was cobbled together with some spare pieces of camping mat and needs to be much longer. I'm trying to avoid using heating strips lol

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Hi Stuart i think Claytons right its either under exposed during capture or processing, but i had a play with it, i think gain was too low.If you want to set gain by eye just raise the gain untill you see the middle completly burn out then slowly drop the gain just untill you see the burnout go.then stop. the fine line betwween slightly overexposed and just back a bit from that is the aim. def not dark. and def not blowing out the middle with white glow. but somewhere in between.

Its just learning technique, but of course wont help much if seeing,or collimation is not in the ball park. you need both working for you.


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Quick process showing SEB revival

Just a small question: how are the different colour channels aligned? I can still see some blue on one side and red on the other (surprisingly, lef-right rather than the up-down that's usually when you image Jupiter close to the meridian; was Jupiter due South?)

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Asjusted Luminence on the colour settings using image analyzer, ( raised it ) a bit of sharpening and noise reduction. slight upscale, thats it. I do settings by eye, and i have got it wrong occassionly too Stuart. looks like you have gone both extremes too much too little. easy done.

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Hi Stuart i think Claytons right its either under exposed during capture or processing, but i had a play with it, i think gain was too low.If you want to set gain by eye just raise the gain untill you see the middle completly burn out then slowly drop the gain just untill you see the burnout go.then stop.

If you have something that will display a histogram interactively, try to get the maximum recorded values in the three channels in the range 200-220 out of 256.

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Sixela I used auto RGB align in registax. Thanks for the Histogram advice. I could use vxastrocapture to set histogram but for some reason it never runs at more than 8fps. Craterlet is my usual choice.

Cheers Neil! I do have image analyzer but can't figure out how to adjust luminence?

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