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Portable Power station

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I have asked Russ on this one, and he came back to say £25 was the best he could find... but does anyone else know where I could buy at the best price?.



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25gbp is good Rob, my friend bought one for a tenner from a car shop that sells all sorts of stuff, it didnt come with the ac adapter but that only cost a couple of quid. He powers his etc125 with no problems..May be worth a look Rob..

James :)

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Will do Russ. I keep a watcher on ebay as well. just seen one going for £4!... yes £4 (new). Not sure on the spec's though, and it only had 10mins to go! :shock:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The power stattion turned up today. the box was wet so felt a bit worried (water/damp cardboard and electric don't go!) still opened the box to find the unit pressed into a sealed plastic cover. Charging the thing now... the LED's tell me she is half full & the inset light works so far!!!

So far, so good!!!


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