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Barlow lens question

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I bought a 3X TeleVu from Rus a week or 2 ag. I finally managed to get some time this morning to play around with it. When I stick it in my focuser and slot in a EP it seems that instead of my eye resting on the eye relief of the eyepiece it now needs to be a few centimetres away from it. IF i put my eye right up to the EP like I normally do I can only see a small 'tube' of light that is out of focus. I take it this is normal? and is there anything that can be done?

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Actually, a barlow does tend to push the eye-relief further back. The longer the eyepiece focal length, the further out it will be pushed.

<edit> Televue Powermates are different - they are designed to overcome this effect and keep the eye-relief where the eyepiece designer intended and so prevent vignetting on longer focal-length eyepieces.

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Sorry :D

Suffice to say that a regular barlow will increase eye-relief. On short focal-length eyepieces, the effect is negligible but on longer focal-lengths it can be quite noticeable and cause the image to darken around the edges.

TeleVue Powermates are designed differently - the eye-relief is unchanged so no edge-darkening.

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So whats going on with it then? Is it just that I am using a 40mm and 25mm EP? or that it is not pointing at something at infinity? or are my cheap EP's to blame? It really is quite a bit out from the eye relief that I have to be with it.

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