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New webcam/lunar - help please!


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Hi all,

New to SGL, and astrophotography.

Can't seem to find an answer to this one, please help.

I have an 8" (f6) Skywatcher Dob. I realise not the ideal scope to use astrophotography on, but managed to get hold of a Philips webcam and with fantastic instructions from the folks on this forum, was able to upgrade the firmware to an SLC900nc (think that's the model number)

So I tried my first set up tonight. Not the greatest time to start, with heavy, heavy fog, but just wanted to see whether I could get any picture on the laptop. It was obviously poor seeing, so nothing taken of any note, but just amazed that I could actually see the images on the screen! A great way for a group, such as family and friends to view at the same time. Love it.....

However, the moon was just too big to get on the screen. I guess I need a focal reducer, but what one do I need, i.e. how do I work out what size reducer I need in order to fit the whole moon on the screen.

Is getting a focal reducer really necessary. I've seen a recent post that talked about mosaics, I'm guessing by combining many different sections together, but how do you go about doing this. I'm guessing the focal reducer is the easier option but does it degrade the quality of the pictures at all?

Appreciate any help.

Thanks, Simon

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With the focal length of your scope you could buy a 1.25" x0.5 reducing lens which screws into the end of the nosepiece (like a filter) - they work pretty well.

The other alternative as you say is to get some practice in mosaics!

Microsoft ICE is one popular program I know of...there's probably many more.

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Mosaics is the way to go with that setup Simon. A focal reducer moves the point of focus forward and you will probably be unable to rack the focuser in far enough on the Dob to use one (and still won't get a full moon on a Phillips in any case)

have a look at Imerge for the mosiacs, it'll be challenge if your Dob won't track but its def. doable.

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I like a challenge! :)

Will look into the suggested software and brace myself for another program, wow such a learning curve, and this is just with my very basic setup. Have already downloaded 2 new programs, SharpCap, and registax, and now to add a third - crikey.

Thanks for your time folks, appreciate your replies.

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