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what's the biggest scope you've ever looked through?


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, we visited the McDonald Observatory near Fort Davis. They had some scopes set up for visitors. I had not really done much except look at the moon in a 4" refractor before that visit and knew nothing about scopes. I only looked into the ep's as directed by the docent, and I have no idea what the scope was.

Was it in a dome? If so, it would probably be the 36-inch.

I spent a whole month observing on that once -- nearly went stir crazy :) Nice telescope though.

Did you go and see the bullet holes in the 2.7m?? :eek:

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On a trip to the Mcdonald Observatory a few years ago (during the TSP), I was lucky enough to get to observe through one of the big scopes.

This one I believe.

The Harlan J. Smith Telescope

Constructed 1966-68, the Smith Telescope has a 2.7-meter (107-inch) mirror, which was the third largest in the world when built. The telescope is used every clear night of the year.

Media Fact Sheet: About the Observatory | McDonald Observatory


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The biggest scope I have looked through is an 20 inch Obsession, it happened at this year's Salisbury Star Party and the views of M57 and M27 just blew me away, brilliant, would like to get one but I do not have the room at home with all my other gear all ready spread around the house.

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