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Quick question about stellarium and "sync".


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Hi All

I use Stellerium, Stellariumscope and EQASCOM to control my HEQ5.

It has never really aligned perfectly, as I have just realised I have been pushing CTRL2 instead of CTRL3 to sync.

When I do this "CTRL3" to sync, is this memorized in Stellariumscope, and after 3 of these, is that referred to as a 3 star align?

Or does it just sync on that part of the sky you are viewing?

Many thanks


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  • 6 months later...

As I understand it the sync is a command added by ascom to sync Stellarium with an object according to the aligment of the scope. But don't quote me cos it might be a little more subtle than that. :D



From the Stellarium Scope manual:

Click on an object in Stellarium, then press <

Ctrl+1> (the control key and the 1

key together). Note; This is the default key for slew... use the key that you have

defined. The scope will slew to the object. You can cancel the slew by pressing

<Ctrl+5> (if the feature has been enabled). Again, use the key that you have


5. You may then need to adjust the scopes pointing. Use the appropriate controls

on the mount and then synchronize the mount to the current object by clicking

<Ctrl+3> (the control key and the 3 key together). The telescope is not actually

moved, but the RA and Dec coordinates of the scope are set to match the object

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Stellarium is rather poor when it comes to providing integrated mount control functionality (they don't support ASCOM directly because it isn't platform independent) As a result there is no inbuilt sync, stop, park, etc. Stellarium's only interaction with a telescope is to tell it where to go and to read its current position.

To give stellarium users the sync capability that CDC already provided we worked a little magic in StellariumScope such that it connects to stellarium as three separate telescopes. From a Stellarium perspective when you press cntrl1 it commands telescope1 to goto the currently selected object, cntrl2 moves telescope2 and cntrl3 moves telescope3 in the same way. StellariumScope receives a notification when each of these moves is triggered but for telescope2 and telescope3 it simply uses these notification events as triggers to initiate ASCOM Halt and Sync instructions.

The sync functionality therefore has nothing to do with stellarium at all - it really doesn't even know it is happening - it thinks it is moving a telescope!. EQASCOM on the other hand can use Syncs to add new points to its alignment model (or as a means of shifting the entire model - depends on setup).

There is actually no such thing as 3-star align in EQASCOM. There is n-point alignment (where n can be 3 if you so wish) . With EQASCOM you simply add as many alignment points as you wish and EQASCOM will apply the most appropriate transformation to make pointing corrections.


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  • 5 years later...
  • 8 months later...

I'm at this stage of setup. Wondering the same thing... stellarium scope handles it.   shouldn't I see a change in stellarium?

Example. I click a star in stellarium (CTRL-1) and it goes.  I pretend it's off (daytime testing).  So I slew a bit to the side to pretend I'm centering the star. 

I hit (CTRL-3) and then shouldn't my reticule (scope pointer) then jump to the star in stellarium?  Nothing seems to change in the program?



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I see it does add an align point adjustment in the (EQMOD) alignment/sync area...  when I hit ctrl-3.   So I think it is working regardless of any change to the stellarium display.

Is there keyboard (on laptop) controls to slew?  like pressing  N S E W ? and speed key?  So if I'm seeing a CCD loop and I want to center the star... I can hit up down left right?

Doing so doesn't seem to move anything?



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