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Arghhh...too much reading, too many scopes !

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My head is hurting. I want a scope so that I can get into imaging some dso's Good pics of nebula/galaxies etc but I think know I have totally confused myself.

Help :D. Dont worry about budget....let me sort that out ! But dont be silly :D

Ps I know I have talked about this on other posts (hence the confusion) but thought Id try and put all info into one, hence this post

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Nowt wrong with the 'scope mate, it's the camera. The unmodified webcams are not sensitive enough to the light to be able to see the stuff you want to see and the sensor chip is small as well. You could go for a DSLR or modified webcam and that would get you going. Until you get a camera that will do the faint stuff you can buy all the 'scopes you want and still not get any images.

You also need to remember that these DSO things come in a huge range of sizes and with one 'scope and one camera you get one image scale which fits some stuff but doesn't fit all of them. You can use a Barlow to zoom in or a focal reducer to zoom out but even that won't be enough for all of them.

If you look in the deep sky imaging section for posts started by me this month, I think they were all taken with the same 'scope as you have. Lots of lovely Messier things in there.


Captain Chaos

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I hope I'm not putting my paddle in where it's not wanted, but I believe that f -ratio makes a difference in photographic work that doesn't apply in visual observing, where aperture is king. You could get an 8" f/5 Newt for much less than an 8" f/10 SCT, with a resultant shorter exposure time than you would get with the SCT. This should keep you happy for a long while.

The 8" SCT is my dream retirement scope, actually, but until then I'll soldier on with my 6" f/5.

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:crybaby: :crybaby:

There's a good run of kidneys on e-bay.....hoping to get £3900 for mine :D

A bit slow on the uptake here, but I've got a great idea. If any of you guys have long hair, cut it, keep the locks, and sell it to wig-makers, who pay a fortune for real hair. Otherwise convince your partners that long hair looks rubbish on them. My girlfriend had hair to the bottom of her back and has now cut it to shoulder length, and she's actually considering selling it the pleats she kept for sentimental reasons. You could grow your own hair for money!

Less useful than a kidney anyway...

You can ban me if you want to...




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