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Some faint galaxies and an asteroid


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This is my first DSO outing with my new setup with an SW250P DS. I thought I'd try it on a few faint galaxies to see how faint you can go with a DSLR, and check that the guiding is working. This is a group of galaxies at the bottom of Pegasus, including NGCs 7631, 7621, 7615, 7611 and 7612. I just love these little clusters of galaxies.

It's around 1.5 hours of 3 minute exposures, taken on 6th October. I really should have gone for longer exposures as the guiding seems to be able to take it. Not sure if it shows very well at this scaled-down low-res version, but on the original you can see loads of faint galaxies down to mag 16 and beyond, so I'm pretty pleased with the result. They are rather small, so don't look much in this image. I really must choose some bigger subjects!

Conveniently, an obscure 12th magnitude Asteroid 606 Brangane was passing through, and that appears in the middle of the frame. Can't find anything about it on t'web, apart from the fact that it was discovered by a German in 1906 and named after a character in a Wagner opera!

Anyway, Prime focus on a 250mm f/4.8 Newtonian, with a Canon 450, plus a Skywatcher Coma Corrector. NEQ6 mount, Guided with an 80mm f/5 guidescope, unmodded SPC900 webcam and PHD Guiding.



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How did you determine the name of the asteroid?

Actually, I knew it was there beforehand. I was looking at Carte du Ciel to choose a group of galaxies in Pegasus to image (there are just LOADS of faint galaxies in Pegasus) and I happened to notice that one group had the asteroid in the middle of the group. So I thought I would give that one a go, as I'm keen on asteroids too.

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