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Filter info wanted

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What filters would you suggest for use with a ST120 frac? Main use is visual, just would like to increase the contrast, not to bothered by the mauve fringe, that goes when the sope is stopped down, also the contrast increases.

This suggests that I could improve the scopes performance at little expense, I know it won't compete with an apo, but the scope should be able to be improved.

I have been looking at the contrast booster filters. Where I am light pollution is not a problem.

Comments please.

naz :)

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Thanks CC, I was wondering if the Baader Contrast Booster would help on DSO's instead of the Fringe Killer, which I know does what it says.

Just want to know which most people find useful. I know that others use the OX111 & UHC filters to get effect. especially the imagers, I was just wondering with the great selection of filters out there, wether there was a general purpose one for visual?

naz :)

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I actually recomend the williams optic VR-1 as oppossed to the baader fringe killer.. I 've had both and got rid of the fringe killer ages ago..but you'll have to pry my 2" VR-1 from my cold dead hands..

:shock: :D :D :D :D


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The filter most recommended depends on the telescope it is used with.

The Baader Fringe Killer is intended for and works best with the Synta range of achromatic refractors - Skywatcher, Orion (US), Celestron (not all) etc. The Williams Optics VR-1 is intended for and works best with the Williams Optics Semi APO refractors and their clones...

At least that's the impression I get.

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Thanks Steve, it's for the 120 f5 Startravel, sounds as though the Fringe Killer hs it .

Be in touch soon to order and I hope the postage isn't too much to France.

Naz :D :D :D :D

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