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Some new eyepieces?

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Hey guys.

I have had my N150 Skywatcher for about a month now, got around three viewing sessions, ranked up 2 messier objects, (M13 and M31) and the Double Cluster. But sometimes, things are too small, and sometimes they're too big.

I'm using the 25mm and the 10mm I got with the scope, but I'd like to do some more DSO/Planetary viewing and get a closer shot of jupiter maybe, and a better look at M31, and various other galaxies/clusters.

Focal lenght is 1200mm, F/8, Aperature 150mm.

Suggest me something to get, maybe a filter or two too, there is quite a lot of light pollution here.

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A barlow would double the effective number of eyepieces but it would have to be decent to not deteriorate the image too much.

For Jupiter 80-100x would be fine on your scope, so 15-12mm eyepiece.

For Saturn something about 120-150x, so 10-8mm

For DSO's really it awide field and lower magnifications, say 60x, 20mm.

Since Jupiter is nice and visible at this time an eyepiece for this now would make sense. Try a 12mm to give the 100x.

The 25mm you have will give 48x, so you could try a 20mm wide angle.

Since you mention Euro's I guess you are either in the European mainland or Ireland. So I do not know of retailers.

Later for greater magnification I would consider an 8mm. But magnification isn't everything and may produce a bigger image but one that shows less detail.

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I think most people reckon the 10mm that comes with scopes is generally poor quality. on this assumption I'd replace it and feel you won't regret doing so. the 25mm is usually OK based on the comments of others. if you look at a few posts on here, add some comments and start a few threads asking for advice then you will soon pass 50 posts. once you do you can see the for sale section on here. there's often lots of cheaper options available second hand.

turning to what you might want to buy and with your scope, I'd actually initially suggest you don't buy a lot of eyepieces but concentrate on location.

consider a Telrad Telrad Red Dot Finder or Rigel Finders - Rigel QuikFinder Compact Reflex Sight red dot finders. One of these will really help you point the scope in the right diretcion when looking for targets.

In addition consider a right angled finder. again this will assist with finding and hurt your neck less.

The above two might take half of your budget.

You could then consider a good Barlow eg the 2x Tal - Tal 2x and 3x Barlows

and finally I'd actually suggest a 15mm eyepiece. This would give you 48x, 80x, 96x, 160x which is more than adequate for most targets. In time you can add to this and maybe get a wider field eyepiece or further eyepieces to do without the barlow etc. once you know more of what you need to view certain targets.

I have had the Discovery 15mm and it was a really nice unit. try Alan at Skies the Limit Sky's the Limit Astro and Optical items - Get great deals on Astronomical Telescopes, Spotting Scopes items on eBay.co.uk Shops!

he's not advertising any currently but I bet he will be able to sort you out re the eyepiece.

hope this helps.

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TAL do decent 2x and 3x Barlows, but king of the hill is TeleVue with their 2x and 3x Barlows and Powermates.

You should be able to get a nice Barlow and a replacement for that 10mm within your budget, remember to check out the classifieds for second hand kit to make your budget stretch further

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I am a beginner but I can tell you that replacing the 'super 10' kellner (if thats what you got) will make quite a difference. My experience is that this wont barlow too well either. But perhaps I just got unlucky - who knows?

I got a 15mm vixen plossl for my small scope and its really much better even for my untrained eye.

So getting better eyepieces for reasonable money is possible. But its a jungle out there.

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Thanks guys, i'll put them on my list.

I was thinking of a Light Blue filter, and maybe an UHC filter.

I heard light blue would make a difference on planets and UHC overall DSO.

Could you show me some good ones, now that I can't decide.

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Strangely enough the Skywatcher LPF isn't bad at all on DSO's Light Pollution Reduction - Skywatcher Light Pollution Filter I do wish I had bought this when I got the 'scope, even though I don't exactly have light pollution to worry about.

I also use a UHC which is very nice, with a lot more contrast. I think I would get the LPF first and see how you get on with it, then maybe pick up a UHC later?

The Castell UHC isn't bad value at all Other Contrast & Deepsky Filters : 365Astronomy: Discovery for every day! but is a pretty heavy contrast compared to the Skywatcher LPF (not as heavy as an OIII, and the UHC may be in the middle between the LPF and the OIII).

Another filter for the Moon, would be either a neutral density or a polarising filter. I have no idea about the other, coloured filters, as I haven't used them.

For DSO's I have found around 30 x magnification is very, very nice for good views. With a 1200mm focal length, that means something around the 40mm for an EP, and 2" for a decent field of view (say 68 deg to 70 deg).

For my new dob, I want to get a 38mm PanaView or 40mm Aero at some point Skywatcher , but have picked up a cheap 2" erfle type 70 degree 38mm EP secondhand to tide me over.

A 32mm Meade 4000 SP I picked up, which while sharp across the field of view, had atrocious contrast in my 600mm fl ST120, and I put it down to the overly low magnification when used in the ST120, has turned out to still have atrocious contrast at double the magnification in the very well flocked 200p dob. So if anyone could recommend to you a 'known good contrast' reasonably priced EP in the range 32mm to 40mm, I think you would find it would become one of your most used EP's.

Alan has a 2" 36mm EP with a 70 deg fov here 2" Eyepieces but I don't know anyone as yet, that has tried them. Alan's stuff does seem to be excellent value, so it could be worth a phone call to have a chat with him?

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