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Recommendation's !


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Right planning to get out in the next couple of morns so was wondering what you guys/girls would recommend i start with given my scope. This is my sky at 5.30 am tom morning. I can go more to the East (just) but that's it. Obviously going to take a peek at Saturn but wondering what best dso to go for

<img src=http://iseestars.net/image/5905/large/image.jpg alt=ISEE STARS Image>


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King Cobra (M67), Beehive (M44), Perseus Double Cluster and Pleiades are all excellent targets and overhead.

For a challange, you could try for the Whirlpool galaxy (probably won't see the bridge but should be able to make out the two seperate components) and the Cigar and Bodes galaxies.

If you get the Cigar and Bodes in the same FOV (they will fit inside a 25mm Plossl) you will be able to compare their shapes.

Have fun!

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There are a few galaxies in Leo that would show in your scope under dark skies. Enable "Bright NCGs" in Starry Night.

M65, M66 and NCG Can't rememeber form the Leo triplet of galaxies and make quiet a view. There are also several galaxies in Leos tail (the sickle).

happy hunting. :)

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