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Webcam Imaging

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I bought a Phillips SPC900NC webcam last year in the hope of imaging the moon and planets.

I installed the software that came with the camera and managed to record a few clips ranging from 30 secs up to 60 secs at the rate of 5 fps.

The problem is, I can't work out how to view the frames and stack them using Registax (I've downloaded and tried versions 4 and 5)

I just can't work out how to find the files and select the ones to stack.

Can anyone give me a step by step guide on how to do it so I can see where I'm going wrong.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Thanks for all your replies.

I'll have a good read through all the links and see if I can make sense of it.

If I can't, there will be a PhilipsSPC900NC webcam with adaptor and IR filter for sale in the near future !



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This is a bit of a long shot, but has anyone got a short, un-processed AVI of a planet that I could use to have a play about with using Registax ?

I'm not sure how difficult it would be to send such a file, or how you would do it, but I thought it would be a good way for me to gain a bit of experience using Registax, until such a time as I can get some imaging done myself.

If sending an AVI file is possible, maybe others could also have a go at processing it, and we could then compare our end results and let each other know what processes we used.

I'm not saying turn it into a competition, I just thought it might be good for everyone to start with the same file, and let each other see what they can do with it (and more importantly for me - how they did it !!)



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