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Perseids At Galloway

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Decided to go check out UKs only registered Dark Sky Site, last night and hopefully view/image a few Perseids. It's quite a long drive to Clatteringshaws Loch, where I decided to observe from ( via google maps ) . The journey took a mind numbing two hours. But boy was it worth it

We had low broken cloud to start with , nothing too serious mind you and they cleared quickly tbh. The views of the sky was mind blowing .

The MW was easily and I mean easily visible . I took a heap of gear with me that I never actually used !!!. TBH , cloud obscured Polaris when we had arrived , so it was just camera and 20x80s at the start , middle and end, I was just enjoying myself too much to set electrics up.

I just wanted to take in the splender of it all. The seeing was certainly for me , the best I have ever seen.

Great open views to the N,E and W. South had little sloping hill, from left (SE) and dropping quickly to SW , covered with fir trees. Again nothing to severe actually.

Jupiter rose majestically from behind them . Three Moons easily viawable in the bino's. Altair and Capella were stunning in the FOV in the bino's. Glad I got them but I need to sort a wee ''wiggle'' on the balance bar, the only thing that spoils the Revelation 20x 80s , seems its a common complaint .

Funny how you find out those gems of info , after you buy gear huh !

Tell you something , Ursa major looked ten times larger from where I was looking than from home as well.

You could see the swathe of the MW from Capella , thru Perseus ,Cassiopeia ,Lacerta, Cygnus,Aquila and Scotum.

Sagittarius was jsut too low. :p

The unusually high numbers of Stars made it hard at times to discern some constellations , there were that many .

We observed absolutely loads of Perseids ( and a fair few sporadics as well) Some of them were stunning in there colour composition as the chemicals in them burnt up as they broke the atmosphere. A free lance photographer joined us later on and got an absolute belter ( check out Saturdays Daily Mail ) .

He stayed until 0400am , even he was letting out the usual astronomy ''wows'' and other assorted gasps. He asked to take a picture of myself and Steve , at my tripod ( camera ) . Thankfully , although the stars were sharp our faces were out of focus . Hopefully it won't be used ( I pray it wont , seriously I do )

The only negative ( for visual ) was that we were just off the road on a impromtu carpark , enough maybe for 4-6 cars . There was one , very weak light somewhere in the forest to the North, possibly a cottage light . It was no hindrence whats so ever mind you . This area , IMHO, def' deserves a better reccy in daylight . I am sure that there would be a better area , away from or shielded from roadside traffic, which tbh was not a lot but enough to ruin dark adapted eyes for visual observers.

At about midnight I asked Stevie if he could see a small open cluster low on in the East. He said he could . On putting the binos on them , I spied my old friend Pleiades, glorious sight , all nice and sparkling, even on the low horizon. As the sisters climbed they just became more beautiful , it's no wonder that Orion is chasing them ! Aldebaran was more red than I have ever seen it .

Stunning . Betelguese was rising just as we were packing up. Not long before our old friend returns in all his splendid glory, can't wait !

So many Stars were viewed with the binos that I have forgotten most of them ( note to self , use that note pad you take ) . The colours of the stars last night were just breathtaking .

One of the best nights I can remember in a long , long time. I am def' going to go back , even with the long drive. Best thing is that the Forestry Commission allow wild camping in the park . Just observe the usual , respectful code of camping and your fine. Def worth an over nighter to get two nights stargazing in.

Coupe of images

Best image I got of a Perseid

IMG_8116 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Shot of the Milky Way.

mwaycoathanger | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

If you look vary carefully you can just make out The Coathanger asterism, just to the right of the right side of the cloud at lower bottom left.

Clear Skies


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