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Advice please on a pier...crazy idea!


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In the astronomy v. garden debate my wife appears to have the veto so my dream of a shed for the scope is rapidly becoming unlikely.

However, we had a large birdbath in the middle of the garden - in prime scope position (avoids the most houses) and my delightful 4 year old knocked it over and smashed it recently.

So now the crazy idea. The NS8 GPS has a fairly low tripod and is very comfortable to use (I am only 5' 9"). Could I put a pier in the garden and during the day sit a plastic birdbath on top and then at night...

If this has any potential, what pier would I need and can I make one and buy an adapter specific to the scope?

Any ideas much appreciated, including any suggestions to assess my mental stability.

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If you search there have been many posts on this in the past. Basicly you dig a big hole put a cardboard tube in the hole and pour concrete into the hole and tube to fill both. Whilst the concrete is still wet you put a bolt or 3 in the top of the tube to match your mount head and polar aligned if needed. When the concrete has hardened off you paint it green or whatever. The bird bath, sun dial or whatever needs a plate making that converts it to the same bolt pattern as your mount. Voila! Happy astronomer and happy wife.

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Justin, are you planning to use the NS8 in Alt Az or Eq mode? If you are using Alt Az a pier makes very little sense since the alignment routine is so quick and simple. On the other hand if you are using Eq then you could leave your aligned wedge set up and it will save a litte time. However. for long exposure photography, your wedge might still need some realigning every time you take the scope on and off.

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I was going to stick with Alt az for the time being. My problem at the moment is that very soon I will have to start taking the scope down for storage and undoing the tripod. At the moment I have it set up in the dining room so it's easy to get outside. The dining room will be recalimed soon, however.

I wanted a shed like Roger - store the scope set up then bring it outside on clear nights. The pier seemed the next best thing as it is already in situ and would require less set up than the tripod - but maybe I wouldn't gain enough time to justify the cost and fuss?

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You could perhaps work on a small shed? Block and Quale sell the small "privy" type sheds for £99 and they dont take up that much space. Usually enough to just about store your scope in, although dont go changing to a f/16 refractor.

The pier is a great boon though especially if you ever move to an EQ mount. I mentioned the ideal to my missus and she soon caved into a shed in preference to a lump of concrete in "her" garden

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