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Televue Radian

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I am looking to upgrade my eyepieces from the standard supplied with my Skywatcher Explorer 150P which I purchased earlier this year. As the Televue Radians are on special offer at the moment I am now considering purchasing 3 of these. I am mainly interested in Planetary viewing and observing the Messier objects.

The question is which 3 would be the most suitable to my needs?

Would I need any other eyepieces to compliment them?

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Radians are a good buy new at the moment but you should consider second hand as well. They tend to go for just over £100 and usually in mint condition. I have the 12, 8, and 5mm and they're great for planetary.

But for dso's wich are much larger you need a wider field of view. WO Uwans give very near televue performance. WO Swans not as good but still very nice clear wide fields - I use the 40 and 33mm swans.

How all these perform in a 150mm scope though I don't know - perhaps someone else will comment on that. :mad:

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I have a 200 scope and if I were choosing I;d go for something around 30mm (maybe 25mm at a push), One at around 13-15mm and a close in one for planetary - probably a 5mm or maybe 4mm (I have a 5mm and even that struggles at times with the poor seing conditions)

Those three sizes are pretty much all I use on my 200 and also on my 100 frac and on my 4" Mak.

Max magnifaicyion on your scope will be x300 but I'd suggest not going much over x200 to be honest. UK skies seldom support high magnifications and I almost never run over x200 cos the skies seldom ever stable enough.

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You won't go wrong with any Televue products and Radians are a nice start. They have decent eye relief and 60 degree FOV. As mentioned you could pick-up one or two second-hand and maybe get yourself a nice wide-field low power eyepiece.

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Hi again

I was looking at the web sites at Radians at £170.00 each new

You could get second hand Naglers for just a little more and to me they are the best

with eyepieces you will always look for better so save you money in the long run by getting the best ones now as they will go up in January 20% Vat

Good luck



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