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A quick look at our own solar system and we have a few Planetary types

Barren Rocks

Gass Giants


Single moons... Lots of moons

Then of course our own Earth

I wonder what types are out there that we dont know about....

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i watched an interesting programme recently about the development of a probe to explore Io (I think it was Io, icy planet with chance of liquid something beneath surface)... now that'd be interesting... imagine if it was a frozen sea with things swimming around beneath the ice...and its in our solar system... mindblowing

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i watched an interesting programme recently about the development of a probe to explore Io (I think it was Io, icy planet with chance of liquid something beneath surface)...

Europa -- next one out from Jupiter. Yes, very interesting object with strong evidence for a sub-surface ocean. (Io is covered in sulphur volcanoes; cool in it's own right :eek: )

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I wonder what discoveries will be made in our life time that will make everyone surprised, such as ending the debate on dark matter for example- perhaps everyones WAY off with that one

higher forms of life (as opposed to bacteria etc) living under the oceans of Europa !!

Ah some'ones got there afore me !

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