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Great skies!!


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Hi all!

I am quite new to astronomy and, with the British weather, I always think I took up the wrong hobby for my location ;) What is more, I got my first scope quite recently and now, with the summer here, I don't quite find the time to use it (it might sound weird, but I am actually looking forward to winter lately :)). Anyway, I was on holidays last week, and I went back home to the South of Spain. I couldn't take my 6" Dob with me, but I did take my good old 7x50s, just in case I could find a dark spot to look at the sky. That occasion presented itself when I went to my mum's town for a couple of days. I don't know if many of you are familiar with Spain's geography, but she comes from a remote village on the South side of Sierra Nevada, at about 3000 metres above sea level and almost completely isolated. One night, I decided to climb up to the rooftop just after midnight, and the view of the sky almost made me fall down the stairs again: it was like being at the planetarium!! My girlfriend, who decided to accompany me for a little while, exclaimed: "I have never seen more stars in my life!" It was absolutely delightful, with stunning views of the Milky Way, Sagittarius and Scorpio (my targets for the viewing sessions). Just a quick swipe of the binoculars around these two constellations was enough to reveal tons of DSOs (even if only fuzzy patches) that I had never been able to locate from light-polluted Bristol even with my scope. The view of the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae in particular made my jaw drop everytime I happened to look at them. I just wish I had had my scope with me. I probably would still be there, glued to the eyepiece!

Thanks for reading!


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The sky had the same effect on me when I went to the South of France last month. I actually found it hard to make out the constellations because all the stars seemed so bright! Next time, I plan to drive down and take the telescope ;)

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I seriously need to get out of the UK at some point with my scope.

Have heard some of the best viewing can be done from Egypt out in the desert.

Though i know what you mean when you say about all the stars looking so bright the constellations are hard to make out.

A Dark site near me. (A farmers field) gives great sky views.

Even the oil refinerys towards the north east don't damage the skies with the light polution on very clear nights. Only when there is a hint of cloud does it really affect it.

It's moments like you've said that can hook a person to the night skies. ;)

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