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I need some Moons pics :D

Don't you think you have had your fair share.... :rolleyes:

I should really take more time, and put more effort into planning my observations, but on the other hand I'm very reluctant to do so, because all that time, the built up expectation, and excitement preparing, could be wiped out in an instant, due to.... :D

Caz :D

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because all that time, the built up expectation, and excitement preparing, could be wiped out in an instant, due to....

Hang on, that was one of my excuses when I started courting some while back... :rolleyes:

Get your own excuses :nono: :D

Anyway, according to heavens above, there's an Iridium flair over Geppetto Towers around 7ish so

I've set up the flair buster rig to lie in wait for an image :D

Fingers crossed

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because all that time, the built up expectation, and excitement preparing, could be wiped out in an instant, due to....

Hang on, that was one of my excuses when I started courting some while back... :D


Get your own excuses

It wasn't an excuse... :D

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I wondered aobut the time of moonrise you gave, James. It comes up about 10:30 here, and starts interfering with visibility of other targets pretty quickly. Anyway, we're supposed to get 10cm of snow tonight, so I won't be out there looking at stars.

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