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Double Double at 150x


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I tried out my new 150x eyepiece on the double double in Lyra just now. I could nearly resolve it into four stars - the two main components looked clearly 'stretched' in a consistent way that matches what you would expect from the position of the 4 stars in reality. Is 150x too low a magnification to see the double boubled or do i need to train my eyes some more?

I also had a look at Zeta Lyrae - apparently that system might be composed of up to 7 stars. But you can only see two through a telescope.

I also had a look at M57 in the moony twilight and of course it was faint, but I found it!

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What scope / eyepiece are you using ?

Like most things astro-wise it's easer to split doubles with more aperture and a scope in good collimation.

I've split Epsilon Lyrae (the double double) with a 102mm refractor at 100x so 150x ought to easily be enough but there are many reasons why close doubles can be difficult sometimes - seeing conditions are often to blame !.

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I resolved the four stars distinctly under dark (ish) skies at x75 (barlowed 24mm SWA) in a 100mm apo refractor, this was around midnight so after most of the twilight glow had gone and with Lyra riding high in the sky, so yes I'd agree the darkness/contrast/seeing conditions is perhaps more crucial than the magnification, I could perceive their 'double-ness' even at x37 :rolleyes:

I haven't found M57 yet, definitely one for my list :)



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The stars I see through my telescope are more like tiny hedgehogs than points of light. Sometimes I see clear concentric diffraction rings around the brighter stars - so i assume collimation is OK. I have a 100mm maksutov, so I couldn't collimate it anyway. If it stays clear I will try again tonight further away from the house - perhaps the air will be more stable.

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Tried again tonight - this time further away from the house on softer ground (not concrete). The stars were much more point-like, and I could see the double doubles, although they do lie inside each others' diffraction rings. Success!

And I saw the ISS drift overhead!

Also had a look at the famous Delta Cephei.

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