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Virgin collimation help please!

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Evening all.

Not used my scope for about a year and the other night thought i would fire the old girl up! focused onto a star and was rather glum to find my scope is out and the star was more like a blob with a fire like tail!

I have never collimated a scope before and have looked over the net for an idiot's guide but everything seems to be pointed at people who have done it all before!

I have made a collimating cap and wanting to used this to collimate my skywatcher d:114 f:1000 as things being tight would rather use money saved on a buying an cheshire collimator on taking the family out to the zoo etc.

Is it possible to use just the cap?

Can anyone point me to a numpty's guide?

Any help greatly appreciated


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I have finally "successfully" collimated my scope :rolleyes:. Hip hip hooray!!

I modified the cap i made from a old camera film cannister by glueing a washer on the inside of it dead center, So i had a guide i could see in the reflection. i testing it last night...... eh hem i mean this morning at 2am lol and it has worked perfectly.

Really couldnt have done it without the help of astro baby though so thank you very much.


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Hi Jason,

Good idea, didnt think of spraying the inside mate but i gather it would do the same or a piece of paper, i just put a washer on as the cap had a recess on the inside that fitted the washer snuggly right in the middle. Then it was just a case of drilling a small hole in the centre of the washer through the cap to peep through.

i just found it a little hard lining the mirrors up with out any sort of marker.

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