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finally got the DSLR to work with the PST

Kaptain Klevtsov

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I had tried all sorts of things with Barlow lenses trying to get the viewfinder view in focus, doesn't work on mine. Due to some issue with diffraction or interference effects the image has loads of visible defects, Moire patterns (Newton's Rings?) and mottled light and dark patches. Well I got round this by checking the image on the 'puter whilst playing about with all kinds of stuff. Turns out that the Barlow lens bit has to be fitted directly to the nosepiece fitted onto the camera and the PST will just reach focus.


This is a stack of about 100 frames culled to remove the clouds, so 6 frames stacked in Registax.

If there are no clouds tomorrow I'm going to try for surface detail because I couldn't find any today, the sun was looking totally flat for some reason, probably the clouds messing up the view.

Captain Chaos

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