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Bresser 102mm refractor from Lidl - opinions?

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If anyone bought and used the Bresser 102mm f/10 refractor on the manual equatorial mount, can you tell me what you thought of it? I have an option on one in almost unused condition at a half-decent price and I would like to know if it's worth having this scope in a collection? If I do get it I know that it should be possible to get the dual-axis motors and make life a bit easier.

I've already got an ETX-70, and an 8" Dob. I'll be bringing my current eyepiece collection with me (2" and 1.25" Meade plossls and SWA/UWA) so I'm not that bothered with the supplied eyepieces.

Are there any real problems with the scope?

Did anyone motorise the mount? Is there anything that I should know about the supplied mount before possibly buying it?

Thanks, Cathal.

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What do you want it to do that the Dob won't do? The view will not be as good on any count and the mount will be less stable. Since it will never be an imaging mount it will just give you visual tracking when motorized.

If the scope is the Synta achromat then the f10 versions are quite nice for planetary but I'd always be heading for the Dob, tracking or not.


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I agree with Olly. A 102mm F/5 short tube refractor might make more sense as a "grab and go" scope but, as you already have an 8" dob, an F/10 4" probably won't get used much, not that there is anything particuarly wrong with the scopes as far as I know. I've owned a 5" F/9.4 refractor by Bresser and that was a great scope but needed a pretty stout mount / tall tripod. An 8" dob would still out perform it most of the time though.

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Thanks for the input.

The 8" dob is a partly-finished briefcase telescope at the moment, with grand plans if they materialise to work on an equatorial platform. I was just curious as I could get this scope for just over £200 pretty much unused. For another £75 I could possibly get a WO ZS80, and adding another £225 adds a cg5-gt.

I just wish I had the cash to hand for that :)

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  • 2 years later...

I see the original posts and comments are three years old now, but for anyone who might be interested I have been using mine for four years, mainly for double star, star cluster and Lunar imaging work. I have not found it wanting in any way and I wont be replacing it any time soon. I built my own drive's and the scope tracks very well with minimal [for my needs] slippage. It's very sturdy and the 2" focuser is exceptionally robust as mine regularly carries my home brew camera that comes in at 2 + kg. I bought mine new from Lidl for @ £280.00.

At that price it was to good to miss and I'm so happy that my lovely wife [xox] bought it for me. If you get the chance to buy one go ahead. I don't think it will ever disappoint you.

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Hi and welcome to the forum !

Many years back I had a Bresser 102mm F/9.8 refractor that was named the "Uranus" model but was actually made by Vixen in Japan and was the same scope as the much admired Vixen SP102M but in a different colour scheme. Is this the scope that you have ?

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Hi and welcome to the forum !

Many years back I had a Bresser 102mm F/9.8 refractor that was named the "Uranus" model but was actually made by Vixen in Japan and was the same scope as the much admired Vixen SP102M but in a different colour scheme. Is this the scope that you have ?

I just had a quick google for the Vixen and it's mount and it does indeed seem to be the same model The Vixen Super Polaris!!! The only difference is that the Bresser comes with a 8x50 illuminated finder and illuminated polar scope.The legs of the tripod are 2" chromed steel tubes. I just had a look at the scopes manual and it would seem that the Mon2 mount shares the same drive also.

Very interesting, thanks for your enquiry. Now I know why the scopes so good!!!

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Aren't Bressers supposed to be Meade copies (or vise versa)?

I think the term re-badged might be more accurate. But a look at the identical specs and finish accross the three brands would reveal them to be the same scope.
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Aren't Bressers supposed to be Meade copies (or vise versa)?

They are linked to Meade now. Back in the 1980's a number of their scopes were re-badged Vixen's and very good indeed. I owned the Bresser scope I mention above back in the late 1980's. More recently, I had a Bresser 127L refractor a couple of years ago and that was a Meade AR5 LXD75 with different branding. That was a decent scope too but not as nicely engineered as a Vixen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great pics!

I do think a 4" refractor compliments an 8" dob nicely....but then I would, I've got one of each :)

A 8" Dob would be nice but I am virtually surrounded by the sea ​[i live on a Isthmus] and I don't think mirrors would hold up very well. I have nothing against reflectors but I love the rugged nature of refractors and one day if funds permit I would love to buy one of the below.





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