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Sorry another first - A First View of Saturn


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So yesterday my first telescope arrived, a skywatcher 130p. I had it set up and ready to go at about 11am which wasnt ideal as I spent the rest of the day counting down the minutes untill the sun set :) By the evening though I had a few good looks at the moon which was fantastic, so much definition, before attempting to find Saturn. Once the few whisps of cloud had gone I managed to get what i thought to be Saturn in the finderscope (red dot finderscopes are taxing I have found) with the 20mm lense there it was, and once in focus incredibly clear and sharp. I stepped up to the 10mm and used the 2x barlow and still very clear and sharp, although hard to maintain so I continued to use the 10mm. I must have watched it for about an hour I would say im positive that I could see three moons all in perfect line with Saturn (the third only visible whilst using averted vision) there were one or two other objects close by but im not sure what they were as im not too good with the moons. After that i spent a few hours bumbling around the night sky with not much luck but im learning about the sky and the scope/mount so its all good, will be out again tonight thats for sure :D

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Saturn is great. Never ceases to amaze me. I was out last night and the conditions were fantastic. I took my 200mm up tp x660 just for fun and the image was still sharp. A neighbour wandered over too to have a look and was impressed with Saturn as a non astronomer.

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