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M64 250px 1000d


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Tuesday nights efforts. 250px, modded 1000d, 16 x 300s, ISO1600, darks and flats, DSS, CS2. I switched to M57 as the scope was getting dangerously close to the pier. I would love more time on this one.

Thanks for looking:


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Cheers Peter, make hay while the sun shine shines and all that. Still got a pile of NGC4565 data to add to the 16 subs from the first night. About another 3 hours worth at lease, now where did I save those subs lol.

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Thanks Brendan.

I think the focus is slightly out though. I took images of M57 straight after and it's more obvious with the central star.

I actually lost my Bahintov mask somewhere! I've emptied out my obs and it's nowhere to be found. That's why the focus is prob a little out as I did it by eye. Hope the mask turns up soon!

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