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Bring Back the Volcano


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Amazing how we adapt to adversity. Just a week ago our skies were free of con trails. Now, the're back, and now I'm noticing them!

To wish for another volcanic eruption is going a bit far. Perhaps the unions could call for a total walk out in the airline business?


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That's pretty sickening

I hope there are a few scientific studies that took advantage of the lack of planes to get some data on the difference, I remember reading that when the planes were grounded on 9/11 there was a noticed temperate difference in the US due to the lack of contrails

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It was a lovely sunny,bright blue sky day here today but i couldnt help but notice YET AGAIN that the colour of the blue sky was not as deep and rich as it was for the week or so that there were no flights passing over.

It really was/is a paler shade of its former self.

Colin.................your images capture the difference beautifly. If that is how is appears during the day...........................just imagine the same effect on our night skies.

It really is pretty blumming horendous.

I for one welcome a global event where air traffic will once again be curtailed because in all my life i have never seen a purer bluer sky as i did during the flight restrictions caused by the Icelandic volcano.

I hope its big brother blows its lid very soon.

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