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new scope advice please

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hi guys,

need some advice, I currently own a helios 80mm refractor on eq1 mounting. seen some amazing sights and detail from this old second hand scope I recently acquired. me and my girlfriend have succumbed to this great hobby and already would like to get another scope so we can both stargaze at the same time, so my girlfriend will have the current scope and I will get another which we will both use. I would like to now which would be the better scope between these two? and is there a major difference? the two scopes are:

the skywatcher skyhawk 114

Skywatcher SKYHAWK-114 Reflector Telescope


the skywatcher explorer 130

Skywatcher EXPLORER 130 Telescope Package

thanks in advance


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From 80mm unobstructed to a 130mm mirror with a central obstruction, will not be such a big improvement.

I think you should consider to keep your refractor and save to a dobsonian telescope. A 6" (152mm) will be the minimum upgrade from your refractor. But if you can afford to save for a 8" dob, that'll be awesome. Dobs are very easy to use and they put your money on the apperture while keeping a stable mount.

I'm sure you'll not regret...

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I have to agree, save for a bigger aperature. I have the explorer 130 and am now saving for a 10" Dob. The explorer 130 is a good starter scope but as you already own a 80mm refractor I would'nt bother with it.

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I would recommend a solid tube unless you really need to split it in pieces so you can transport the scope.

The reason is truss tubes are usually heavier, and most of all, they require you to fine tune the collimation every time you reassemble them. Unless you're going for a 12"+ the solid tube version should be small enough to put in any back seat. Skywatcher usually offers the best quality/price ratio, though I personally have an Orion dob with PushTo system.

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ok guys, ive been looking at the sky watcher sky liner 150p and 200p solid dobs, does the £100 difference for 2" make a large veiwing difference? or for a hundred pound would it be worth getting the 150p and a quality eyepiece? thanks again and sorry for all the questions haha, dont ask then i wont now will i? hehe again thanks

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There are some scopes that cost £100 more per mm !!!

To answer your question - yes it's worth £100 for the 8" - better resolution and light grasp in a tube that is only a little wider (not longer) than the 6".

I have one of these 8" scopes (mounted on an equatorial mount) and it's performance is outstanding - see my drawings in the sketching section.


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Oh yes, it's worth it! The amount of light collected by a scope goes up with the area of the mirror or lens, so that's Pi x radius squared. Small increments in mirror diameter equate to large increases in light grasp.

It's a mistake to think of scopes being there to make small things bigger; they are also there to miake faint things brighter, and that's where more light grasp comes in. An 8 inch scope can deliver 300x magnification in comfort and that is the very outer limit of what the atmosphere allows. 250 is more reasonable on a steady night. People go for bigger scopes only to add to the brightness.


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