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New Scope

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Just been fwd an email from our finance dept (the wife) that my new scope (first) is on it way. So just be ready for loads of ???

Its been fed exed come on fed ex I think Its down to steve will ring him tomorow on some other suff :D:):)

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Nice choice Rob - a fine scope :D

A couple of bits of advice from me would be i) find some time to check out how the scope works, where the knobs are and to align the finder scope in daylight. It's so frustrating to fumble around in the dark ! and ii) don't get tempted to rush in to buying loads of accessories for the scope with one exception - you will need either a dew shield or a dew prevention band for the scope - dew affects schmidt-cassegrains a lot and can quickly put an end to a viewing session, invariably when you have just found something interesting !.

Otherwise enjoy it and feel free to fire in the questions :)

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My scope is here thanks to the guys at FLO and fedex:hello2::D Set it up now got to learn how to use it:confused::D:confused: cant even see the moon with it but can see it with my eyes :D:icon_confused::)


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It will take you a couple sessions to get the hang of it. For your first session do a solar system align on the Moon or Mars. It is very quick and will give you reasonably accurate GOTO (2 star is the most accurate IMHO). You can also use the moon to roughly align your red dot finder and then make the final adjustments using Polaris or a star you are tracking.

You only need to get the mount roughly level and enter the Lat/long which will be stored for future use. You need to set the time and date every time you power up as the hand control does not track these when powered off, it will have the last date time you entered. The date is in american format mm/dd/yy and don't forget BST or daylight savings as the HC calls it.

Good pairs of alignment stars this week are Capella (Auriga) and Acturus (Bootes) or Denebola (Leo) and Caph (Cassiopia). As long as you can identify one of these stars and get it roughly centre in the EP then you can (using auto 2 star) get the scope to automatically go to the second target (it will be close ish).

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My scope is here thanks to the guys at FLO and fedex:hello2::D Set it up now got to learn how to use it:confused::D:confused: cant even see the moon with it but can see it with my eyes :D:icon_confused::)


I think most people here can agree with you that they could not even see the moon on the 1st night of observing with their scope (any scope). I know it took me a couple of nights to be able to sight the Moon with a scope (my 90EQ) and a RDF...............and this was WITHOUT any Go-To system.

Congrats on the new arrival.

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I think what it is is I havent got the the little pointer scope set right. I got home i just put it up and only glanced through the instructions. But seeing those two stars gave me a buzz think they where the two above and to the right of the moon


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