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Information on 127mm triplet lense required

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Hi all,

I purchased a 127mm ED APO Triplet last year, which came with test results on the lense in the form of pictures which I don't understand.

It Dosen't help that the captions are in GERMAN but i have managed to Gather via Google Translate, that the first photo is a STAR TEST (STERNTEST in German, and the second possibly COLIMATION (JUSTIERNACHWIES in GERMAN I have no idea of what the third caption means (RONCHI TEST). Peter has informed me that the streighter the vertical lines are, the better.

I am attaching some photo's of the lense test so that hopefully someone can explain exactly what the pictures mean.

Any snippet of info would be greatfully appreciated.

Regards "Totalamateur" Ray

Telescope Pictures.doc

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Have'nt been able to download your pictures of the lens test but I do no that the label "ronchi test" is in english and should show a disc with straight lines on it, the straighter the lines the better optical figure the lens will have.

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A big thank you to both Peter & John,

The info that you both gave me proved very helpfull and the first 2 results are OK. Still one to go if anyone can help?

Star test = excellent

Ronchi band test = excelent

Justiernachwies test = :D Still scratching my head on this one

Regards "Totalamateur" Ray

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This sounds like the Meade/Astronomica triplet? I have just sold mine and bought what is probably the best, or joint best, apo in that aperture class - the TEC 140 triplet.

The TEC is very slightly better visually and gives tighter stars, particularly bright blue ones, when CCD imaging. But I always rated the 127 and the upgrade, while being an upgrade, comes at a staggering cost. I did a back to back comparison by imaging the Whale galaxy and the galaxy itself is hardly any different, though the stars are considerably better in the TEC. And at five times the price one would hope so!

I think you will be delighted by your telescope, whatever shows up in the test. It is a real apo refractor at a price that is hard to believe. Have fun.


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Hello Totalamateur!

Last year I bought a 127mm Apo refractor from OpticStar in Manchester. Basically it is the same scope as yours (see link below) according the the sales guy this is classed as a really good scope for the price. It too came with a laminated report sheet stating the optical quality. If I get chance I will scan it and post it later to show you. Observationally the scope appears to be excellent. Providing you also use good quality eyepieces (this is very important to optimise the scopes full performance).

The scope is made in the same factory as Meade scope and is from Asia (many telescope places sell your scope and only Opticstar sell mine).

Also if you have October 2009 issue of Astronomy now look page 80 (Gearheads section) and you will some Olly Penrice review of his 127mm Meade Apo! Again I can scan this if you like?



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Thanks for the info Brendan,

It is reasuring to know that I have chosen a good scope.

I hope that I have chosen some decent eyepieces that will work well with it too?

I haven't had a chance to use it yet as I have despatched it all to Spain where I will be spending quite a lot of my time. I understand that there is less polution over there.

DO you think that my eyepieces will work OK with the scope?

William optics (1.25) 4mm/7mm/16mm 82 deg EWANS

William optics (2") 20mm/33mm/40mm 72 deg SWANs

William optics (1.25”) 3mm/6mm 55 deg SPLs

Takahashi (.965) 9mm/18mm/25mm ortho's

Baader Hyperion 8 - 24mm clickstop zoom (1.25)

SMC PENTAX XF 6.5 - 19.5 zoom (1.25)

Series 500 40mm plossle (1.25”) (Supplied with scope)

12.5mm Plossle (1.25”) No Name (Supplied with scope)

Regards, "Totalamateur" Ray

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Yes I don't think you will have any problems at all with those eyepieces. Pentax is a good make of them. I know I mentioned Olly Penrice being in October 2009 Astronomy now but failed to see he also messaged you earlier!

Enjoy the delights of the Spanish night skies!

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Glad you like it! I'm trying to offer a full range of focal lengths for imaging, all in premium optics. Because I can say they are for the business I can let my conscience off the hook a bit. Only a bit...

I've done some observing in Spain. Where are you off to? Like anywhere there are light polluted places, especially near the coast, but unlike many other places there are dark spots as well and the weather is a darned big improvement. I had an extraordinary view of M101 one winter in a 120 achromat. I never really believed it existed before then.


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Hi Olly,

I have purchased a house and resteurant in Alora which is in Andelusia. It is about 45 kilometres inland from Marbella and Malaga. The house is on the periphery of the town near the top of a small mountain, so it should give good views apart from on one side where a castle obstructs the view. There is a national park about 30 minutes drive away which should give excellent viewing conditions because there will be an absence of light polution. I am going over next month and can't wait to try it out.

Regards "Totalamateur" Ray

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Hi Ray,

I know Alora quite well since I often used to fly into Malaga to start cycle tours. Even just getting away from the immediate lighting should get you a decent sky. Should be great.

Do you speak Spanish? I'd make it a huge priority of you don't. (I speak as an expat running a guest house myslef, but in France.)


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Hola Olly,

I have learned some basic snippets like counting from one to ten and how to order a coffee etc, etc.

I have bought the CDs and intend to be fluent in about 50 years hopefully.

If you know Alora well, you will know the little lane that leads up to the castle from the bottom square. I have bought a house towards the top of the lane near the castle. from the back of the house there are amazing views down the valley. My intention a bit further down the line is to purchase a large reflector, possibly a 24 inch Dob, and set up a small observatory there, but i will need to see what the viewing is like first, and then look into how difficult it would be to get the planning permission.

Incidently, Do you run astronomy classes from your place in France?. I could use some tuition so maybe i would book a couple of weeks in the future.

I can PM you my email address if you would like to send me some details.

Regards "Totalamateur" Ray

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