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1st time out results & advice pls


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I'm very new to both astronomy in general, never mind astrophotography! I thought I'd share the results of my first serious imaging attempts. Previous nights out had been very much a test runs, trial and error.

The first image is M45. 60 x 30 sec exposures shot in Nebulosity in RAW, stacked and then processed in Aperture. Camera Canon 450d on 6" reflector.


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Second image is NGC 2244. Again 60 x 30 sec exposures stacked in Nebulosity, processed via Aperture. Again using Canon 450d

I think I have the detail of the nebula staring to form on this image. I guess I need to go back and add some more data to bring it out more.

Using Nebulosity plugged in to my camera via USB I get an error message if I try to select an exposure time of over 30 seconds, I need an adapter of some description? My mount EQ5 with synscan tracks for 30 secs no problem and I'd like to see how for I can push it.

Secondly when you shoot in RAW format Nebulosity saves them as B&W, is there anyway to keep the colour and shoot in RAW using Nebulosity. I have a cable release but like the ability to set up many shots using Nebulosity so I can nip inside for a cuppa whilst it images away.

When going back to add more data to existing shots do you start from scratch and begin a new stack of images including new & old data or can you use your already stacked file and add more new data to that. Nebulosity saves stacked files as .fit files.


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John, they're very good starts. I don't use my 450d tethered, but rather use a timer remote I bought from ebay, they aren't expensive, and allow you to setup a sequence of shots, with a pause in between etc... you can use mirror lockup, combined with the self timer and the remote.

Aperture isn't really the best designed for processing Astro images (I'm using 2 for my single shots and it's great), but you've done very nicely there.

You appear to have some odd reflections on some of the Pleaides, I'm not sure what might be causing that, are you using any filters ?

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I didn't use any filters at all.

I took a test pic the night before which also had similar shaped reflection on. It's difficult to say where it is coming from, could be the security lights on motion sensors that all my neighbours have. They come on at the slightest movement of a tree etc. in the wind.

I like the tethered shooting mode as i can see the results I'm getting directly on the macbook screen. I have done a little reading and a Shoestring DSUSB Shutter Control Adapter or the timer remote may be in order.

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John, your M45 is a rather beautiful image. Your processing of the image is exquisite and you have avoided the temptation to overdo things. This marks you out as a natural with a good eye. You will struggle with Ha targets like the rosette without a modded DSLR. I'm looking forward to seeing more images from you. A superb start

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