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Now this is different.....

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Looks more suited on the front of a tank! I did catch this from the website advert

"made of highest quality Magnesium Alloy"

Is that really necessary? Shame they painted it black, a golden scope would look great.

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Could be very interesting. Imaging has set punishing standards for colour correction which, while desirable for visual observing, are really not necessary on many objects. I have an oldish 6 inch Synta achromat worth next to nothing and I kid you not, it gives great views. I suspect the achro doublet may make a comeback.


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It's been quite a while since I posted I've been off doing different things. This is one of the different things. I bought the lens and cell from Ales at Istar Optical, It's the 6" f/10 Achro doublet. The rest of the OTA I made.

Ales is a real nice person and is very enthusiastic about his new equipment. I can see some exciting products coming along. I don't have any business connections with Ales. I just thought I had better mention that :)

It's been quite a build for me over the last couple of months with bad health and such. It was an urge I had ;)


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Hi Andy,

The difference I beleive is in the bearings. The Giro 2 used some kind of alloy and the Giro 3 used a a low friction nylon with a special grease. The physical size is the same. 70 mm with a 30mm X12mm shoulder. A 60mm shoulder is also available.

I was a little surprised how it coped with a OTA and bits coming in at 55lbs. I couldn't lock the either axis,although I can remedy this.Balance is all important. Changing eyepieces had to be done carefully so as not to move the OTA.

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