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West Midlands Stargazers - Coombe Abbey


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I was lurking in a thread where a bunch of West Midlanders were organising a get together to look at stars in a dark site somewhere. Like pedal pushers the thread seems to have died. Whilst Coombe Abbey is not a perfect dark site, I have taken my scope there a couple of times as it is an improvement on most back gardens (other than those lucky fellas that live in the countryside) and most importantly it is very accesible.

How do people feel about, when the clouds eventually clear, gathering there for an evening just to kick start things?

They have a nice carpark which, if parked in before it closes, they have no problems with people staying in an leaving later (at least when I emailed them about it last year they didn't).

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I'd come along if it was Coombe abbey, its just down the road.

I could also probably arrange for a more secure site with lockable gates on the edge of the city in Baginton. Not as dark as coombe perhaps, but not far off, and sheltered from streetlights. Also coffee/electric etc available with a little preparation if required. Should anybody be interested in this option, please PM me.

EDIT: There's a reasonably dark southern horizon available, but forget north at low angles.

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Well, the Met Office is predicting clear skies this Friday (29th). Want to try descending on the field then?

I've found the best place to observe from is the end of the park near the road. It's easy to stop off and drop kit off near there, though the car park is further up. When I go there on my own I just leave the car down that end parked by the side, I'm not sure what would happen if there were lots of cars, I've never been hassled by a grumpy warden. The real car park closes at around 7-8pm but you can leave the car park later than that.


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Not sure, probably till I get too cold. Last time I was there I lasted until about 1am. It gave me my first, albeit faint, naked eye view of the Milky Way. I'll probably aim to get there around 1930 ish as I have some tutoring to do early evening.

Of course, now I've said all this it will be cloudy and full of scouts camping!

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Hopefully the other West Midlands thread hasn't died a death - I've been away from the forum and on my sick bed for a while ;) but have looked over the last day or two, and it seems some of us are still up for a trip to Essington, and hopefully sometime over to Shropshire for a proper dark sky.

But I could probably make it over Coventry way sometime as well, doubt if I could do this Friday, but might be able to make it next week if it's clear :) the more sites we have to choose from the better!

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It was a good night last night. Apart from the full moon and the cold, but it was worth it to see Andromeda for the first time.

It was nice to meet some people who are interested in astronomy too. Hopefully next time some more people will come, and I'll remember my thermos so we can have a hot drink.


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I'm sorry to say that I was put off by the weather. I'm just getting over a cold and didn't want to chance a relapse.

How did the site perform? Was there much trouble from passing cars and other light pollution?



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The spot I chose was next to the road so there was a few cars. I usually go further into the field though and cars aren't a problem. The site has a few lights around it, though it was difficult to judge their impact as the moon was bright enough to read by! There are darker dark sites out there, but I find it a fantastic compromise between ease of access and darkness. Either way it's miles better than my back garden :-)

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