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Ring Nebula Problems


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Before Christmas, I attempted to see the ring Nebula, in Lyra, before it went and disappeared below some trees.

However when I looked around where it is supposed to be, I couldn't see it. I looked all over the place at low power but I still couldn't see it. I was using my 4.5 inch Skywatcher, is this to small?

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It can be tricky - especially at this time of year when it is so low. I saw it last summer from a dark site in Cornwall with my 4" refractor (much higher in the sky then). How are you locating it? I find with faint objects that sweeping around is not usually very successful. Much better to KNOW you are looking in the right place ( from the surrounding starfield), then use averted vision to locate your target.

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absolutely not. It is visible in 5cm. However it will be realtively small so you may have to bump up the power and if you are observing from a light polluted environment and it was low then that could be an issue. If you have a UHC filter try that or using a higher power.

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You can use the brightest triangle of stars in Lyra (which includes Vega) as a pointer to the approximate area nearby. It's located in a thin triangle of stars about a third of the way along one side. You should be able to see it relatively easily as it is quite bright but small. It will look like a bloated star at low magification and like a smoke ring at higher mag.



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Saw it for the first time recently [using the GOTO]

75x mag

Clear as day with my LPR filter, but could only just make it out without one because I knew where it was as I had just been looking at it. If I had gone straight to it without the filter I know I would not have recognised i for what it is.

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Before Christmas, I attempted to see the ring Nebula, in Lyra, before it went and disappeared below some trees.

However when I looked around where it is supposed to be, I couldn't see it. I looked all over the place at low power but I still couldn't see it. I was using my 4.5 inch Skywatcher, is this to small?

May be you saw it but identified it as a star. You need some power to see the ring. I think youre power was too low.

Also this time of year is not favourable for that particular object

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May be you saw it but identified it as a star. You need some power to see the ring. I think youre power was too low.

Also this time of year is not favourable for that particular object

I have observed the nebula clearly visible as a small ring in my Tal 100RS with only a 25mm Plossl (x40). However, now it is too low down, I doubt I would currently observe it as such.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can detect it at 37x, but 75x to 120x give the better views as it's hard to see it as a ring at low power.

I find the moonlight and low altitude make it a challenge sometimes so that may be the problem.

Talitha, your sketches are superb once again!

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