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maybe a odd question


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we spend all this time imaging a subect, spend hours processing a image now i cant speek for everyone though me i would like my images printed off and framed.

so i went to tesco gave them my data stick with all my images,

what came back was po o they dont look anything like they do on my laptop my horse head came back all ha was pink

anyone else had this problem or understand why and know how to get over it

thanks for reading


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print them yourself maybe..

or go to a shop where the lab is 'in-house' and have a word with the 'processor re. you needs.

I would imagine the send off (and many other type of labs) have preset parameters for contrast and colour etc and just run everything through that way.


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You're wasting your time and money. Your images require TLC, and they won't get that at a Photo Lab. Everything is automated, and they won't get hands on assistance.

Steve has suggested your best option. Print your own.

A decent Photo Printer, and some quality paper, and away you go.


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Photographers have the same problem (my wife takes loads of pictures of butterflies and wild flowers and it is always a problem to get the colours right).

The computer display works by emitting a selected colour mix to give you the effect you want, the printed page works by selectively absorbing specific colours to get the right effect. The fundamentally different method makes it difficult to keep them aligned.

If you are using your own printer it is possible to calibrate your screen to match our specific printer using colour swatches. You also need to work in the right colour space. It all gets very complicated, but a good digital photography site/book should lead you through the process to the best result.


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