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Hi Darkly, and welcome to the forum. I also have a skywatcher 200P EQ5 , and love it to bits.

The other posters have already given you plenty of invaluable advice, but I would just like to say, on a personal basis, that its great to see someone asking for advice and then acknowledging the advice given.

It seems that a lot of first time posters come on the forum looking for advice and then never post again, even to acknowledge thanks for the (invariably forthcoming ) advice.

Looking forward to your future posts regarding upgrades to your set-up, might even help me decide on what I "really" must add to my own set-up.:)

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Thanks and hello Crepitis

I never realised how popular the 200P EQ5 is, I've not seen a single off colour comment about it.

You are right, there is a mass of good advice handed out for free here and the least people should do is acknowledge this with a thank you, personally, I would have no issues sharing knowledge, the subtle hint from Astro Baby saved me money and resulted in me purchasing a much more balanced set of EP's to suit my scope, it would be nice to be able do similar in turn.

As far as people posting goes I guess that some people haven't done this kind of thing before and just don't feel confident, I'd like to think that people who just don't give a ..... are in the minority.

As far as future set up goes, I plan to drop a line regarding the 38mm Panaview and Revelation eyepiece kit (once I get home :)), however, I think it'll be a wee while before I make any more purchases, I want to make the most of these.

Next big project will be a roll-off-roof observatory planned for this summer, I've already had loads of advice and ideas from people in the DIY section. After that is complete who knows what goodies will be getting stashed in there.:)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, so far I still haven't been home to use my new scope yet, pretty frustrating to say the least.

We docked for a week or so and every night bar one was cloudy, had one shot in between clouds, used the 38mm wideview on the plaeides, absolutely stunning, a real sense of depth, I could swear that I could see that some stars were further away than others, but, then another bank of clouds came across and having to get up for 05:00 to rejoin the boat I had to call it a night. I did push my luck and picked up the Orion nebula with no problems what-so-ever though -will definately revisit when time and opportunity allows ;)

It's almost impossible to miss once you get your eye in!

But, on the upside, hopefully home for a month next week, can't wait to get the scope out and enjoy ... once all the jobs piling up are done of course!

The 2" 38mm teleview was an excellent buy, even with the limited opportunity I got the view was stunning, can't wait to use it on a clear night with no reason to get get up next morning :)

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Hi Darkly,

our new toy has arrived and we have managed to use a it couple of times. First target was the Moon, followed by the Pleiades, Orion Nebula and Mars. Second night was more or less similar. The conditions werent great but was very pleased with what we saw.

have also bought the revelation kit. Managed to use it the other night for about 10 mins before it clouded over! Still it gave us an indication of what to expect. Decided on the kit when I realised that it would cost about the £1k to buy the eypieces I wanted, so the kit will do and I can save and build up gradually. An UWA might be the first one on the list.

Hope you get to use yours when your home. It would interesting to read about your experience as another newbie, with more or less the same kit (except the 38mm!).

This week does not look promising (snowing as I write this) and on hols next week so will be a couple of weeks before we use ours again.

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Hello Flinthead.

Yup, the forcast of snow is a downer to say the least.

I take you've read Astro Baby's post on the previos page of this thread, her advice / hint was good as the Revelation kit gives a near perfect spread of optics for the 200P when you put the numbers into one of the calculators - plenty of room to experiment and find out what works best!

The 38mm Panaview was a revelation (no pun intended!!!), it looks the part and after my short opportunity to use it I have to say I'd recommend it, even if it's just for those scoping around moments, thing is, before you buy, it might be worth dropping Astro Baby a line and seeing if it's possible to go up to 40+mm, it's just an idea, but the 38mm worked soooo well .... I'd be interested in finding out if there's any advantage in going up a size or three to something ridiculous LOL ;)

Anyway, soon as I get a chance I'll be oot! and I'll drop a post with my comments.

It's sooo frustrating opening Stellarium every night to have a look at what I'm missing :D but there you go!

Anyway, enjoy your hols, some where warm I hope :)

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Hi Darkly,

Yes I've read Astro's post, read quite a few of hers as its interesting to get an idea of possible suitable upgrades from someone who has the same scope and is very experienced.

Might try for a bit of viewing tonight as the forecast says clear....

The holiday is on Dartmoor so I think horizontal rain is more likely than sunshine, still we love it there, if we had a bit more room in the car we'd take the scope.

Hope you get some decent clear nights where you are.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Kevin

I've not been on line for a month or so now due to various reasons, probably won't be again for a couple of weeks but thought it polite to acknowledge your post

thanks again.

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