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Greetings from SW Scotland


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Hi guys,

Been lurking on the forums for a while and last week bought my first scope (in the signature) so thought I'd say hello as I may have a few questions in the near future!

I've been very lucky and have had several evenings of crystal clear skies since the scope arrived last week so have been outside a lot playing with the new toy.

First night out I pointed the scope (by lifting the tripod and adjusting the screws to adjust your latitude..doh!..) towards orions belt as it was one of the very few star groups I knew and had the good fortune of accidentally pointing it towards the nebula in Orion! Great sight for my first ever view through a telescope even though it was sheer luck and I had to go check what on earth this green tinted cloud was! Had a few looks at Mars but not really able to see much apart from a fuzzy orange sphere..

I've now done lots of reading and understand polar alignment and how to move the scope around the skies. I have a few questions about the final position of the viewfinder on the scope after moving it around which I'll ask in the correct forum area..but having great fun so far learning all this new info.

Haven't had a chance to look at the moon so I'm really looking forward to that evening.

Anyway, hello to everyone!



P.S Any tips on keeping your toes warm?? Two pairs of hillwalking socks and wellies isn't working!

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Hi Steve,

Welcome to SGL.

P.S Any tips on keeping your toes warm?? Two pairs of hillwalking socks and wellies isn't working!

Yes Alpaca wool socks, very expensive but very warm. I paid about 15 pound for a pair - no more cold toes, after 3 plus hours outside......:D

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