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Binoculars choice ?

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HI - first post..

new to forum and been reading to gain knowledge - taking plunge and bought scope after reading threads, hope to be here for xmas as it's for my partner - though i want to use it too!!:D

i also want binoculars - saw these:

Adler Optik Adler Kosmos 15x70 high powered binoculars

and thought would be good but don't know make and prolly want to be on a tripod for longer use.

or these meade ones:

Meade 10x50 Binocular Special Offer

i will have another scan through the forum but advice gratefully received!



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paul i like the "go with the FLO" :D haha but that is true stick to FLO probably the best online astronomy suppliers there is to tell the truth and all the feedback i hear is good all the time! and i thought the skymasters may of weighed quite heavy to tell the truth, mine are smaller and my weigh a ton for the size of it lool

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haha may aswell use your telescope tube instead of your bins if you had bins like mine haha, this is off topic but i would love to live on the moon im watching a film and nasa's planning to make a full human base on the moon by 2020, just think instead of looking up at the moon you'l be looking up at giant earth lol

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Answer the persons question!!!

It is their first post so please stick to what they ask and not wander off on a discussion about some a TV program.

Back to the binoculars:

I have no idea about the quality of the optics in the Adler bins, nor their construction and alignment. They make a fair range of optical items so I guess they are fair quality for the price. They are however being offered at a good price and that is I guess the attraction.

SandS have a poor reputation on this site for delivery, but they are not a small outfit and all we hear of are the ones that go wrong. Other complaints are that people cannot get through to them by phone, meaning they are busy on the phone - perhaps taking orders? I suspect their turn over of items is why they are one of the least expensive sites/shops. I see that you are in Leicester which means that you are too far away to go there and visit. At least that way you come away with the items in you hands.

For 15x70's you will need a tripod, weight of the binoculars and the magnification will make a tripod a necessity. Do you have a half decent camera tripod available, if so then check if the binoculars will attach directly or if they need an adaptor.

It could be worth contacting (trying) SnS about this as then you can ask if they have them physically in stock. SnS seem to have problems in taking orders then not actually having the things so a delay occurs and people get pee'd off.

With binoculars I believe that it is best to go and try them out, there can be difference between two sets of otherwise identical binoculars. Then hold on to the ones that best suit you.

Alternatives at a "similar" cost are Celestron 15x70's from Sheerwoods, similar being £80 as opossed to £50, so actually over 50% more. Just a thought but check D Hinds as they sometimes have special offers and binoculars often appear in there.

It may a be worth a similar post on the binocular section as someone there may have a set and be able to offer more hands on advice. I guess at this time that you are not expecting them for Christmas.

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hi thanks everyone

i've ordered and today received a skywatcher 127 goto!

any tips for xmas day set up - idiots guide for do's and don'ts!

will of course read the instructions but good advice always needed to avoid fatal c#ck ups!

charging me powertank thing as we speak - straight out of the box!

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Binos - depsnds what you want to spend.

The Meades in your post are the same as Lidl have on special offer every year for around £14. For £14 you cant go wrong but you need to be a bit fussy when you try them out as the quality control isnt exactly great. I wouldnt buy them online because with the QC being a bit whacky you might get a duff pair.

The others I dont know about but my advise with optical stuff and binos espcially is get the best you can afford. No one ever complains that the views too sharp :D

Big binos will need a tripod and adapter.

If you want a review of the Meade/Bresser binos I did one some time back. Theres a link here Binocular Review - Opticron Imagic

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and i wouldnt order from scope n skies they have a very bad review of not sending you your items and the items may be damaged, iv heard people ordering from them and then having to wait 9 weeks for thier item to arrive

I wish someone had told me this before I ordered from them. They now have one day to delivery before Christmas. I paid for 48 hour delivery a week ago.

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