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Whoo hoo !


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Indeed! Had beautiful clear skies in Banbury for most of last night, so I could finally spare some relaxing time hunting around for interesting objects rather than hastily aligning the scope and knocking the slew rate up to 200 as I desperately look around everywhere at once :D

I'm a bit of a DSO newbie so decided to take a look at M82. I was absolutely amazed to see another fuzzy next to it in the viewer (not realising it was M81 of course), so had a great old time nipping into the house and reading up on what I was seeing - it felt like I'd 'discovered' something for myself, even though it's probably nothing great in the grand scheme of things, lol.

Clear skies everyone :)

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I'm a bit of a DSO newbie so decided to take a look at M82. I was absolutely amazed to see another fuzzy next to it in the viewer (not realising it was M81 of course), so had a great old time nipping into the house and reading up on what I was seeing - it felt like I'd 'discovered' something for myself, even though it's probably nothing great in the grand scheme of things, lol.

Clear skies everyone :D

Discovering distant galaxies containing countless billions of stars, no matter how "common" or "easy to find for beginners" we reduce them to, is still no small matter. We must never lose sight of how epic it is. :) Yes, it is a discovery, no matter how many times you view the object. That is what is so great about this hobby, if I dare call it such a poor word...

In fact, if I ever lose sight of that concept, I might as well pack up my scope and return to staring at the ground......(heaven forbid)

Clear skies to you too. :D

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Freaking absolutely frigging freezing out there tonight!!!!!!

I could only stand one hour, with 6 layers and wooly boots.....I feel like a failure...:D

Started jumping up and down but with the EPs and cased filters jingling in my pockets, but the neighbour's curtains started twitching.

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