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double Quasar QSI583


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Double Quasar in Ursa Major.

Not in the pretty picture department, but the thought of the light from this target is 8.7 billian light years away. The 2 components of the imaged Quasar meaning that an intervening mass concentration between the Earth and the Quasar bends light so that the two images of the Quasar appears in the sky. This is known as Gravitational Lensing. The Lensing galaxy lies a lmost in line with component b.

Mags 16.7 and 16.5.

This double Quasar QSO 0957+561 A/B is not far from the galaxy NGC3079.

3 x 3min Luminance. QSI 583 and Skywatcher 190MN



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Wow... that's amazing. Yes, I'm with you on how mind boggling it is on 8.7 billion LY. What surprises me is that gravitational lensing covers just such a small area - to think there is mass there that is huge, that we can't see....

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An impressive image Paul. I really appreciate the more scientific contributions and always wondered if backyarders could see anywhere near 13bn lyrs - looks like it may be possible.

The QSI looks v good, do have the OAG model?


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i have the OAG version and an extra WG faceplate for using Canon lens.

I believe it has been seen visually using a 12" and 16" telescopes.

There is another Quasar close in constellation of Lynx which also should be possible.

and another called Markarian 205 in Draco.

thanks for the kind comments

paul j

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