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Smugness comes before a fall !


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Well this am I don't mind admitting that my smugness did me no favours at all !!

I'd been out for about 2 1/2hrs yesterday evening, came in about 10:30 having put the kit to sleep,hoping to get again in a few hrs

I went back out to 'ave a rolly and blow me !! In the space of 30mins the mist and fog had rolled in.

Fair enough, we were warned but whoa it doesn't end here. That rotten group of charlatans, that organisation of half-baked, crackpot wasters that call themselves The Met Office, had been consistently impressing upon us here in West Yorks, that, once here the fog/mist was unlikely to burn off throughout the day, blah blah blah blah

So one presumes on seeing the said fog/mist roll in that there would be little point in expecting to make use of the scope /imaging kit come the early morn.

Now the focus of my anger, on looking out of the window this am

WHERE THE H&LL IS THE FOG :icon_eek::eek::eek::D:mad::(:mad:;) ???

Twas perfectly clear :):confused:

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Feel your pain John. I've had that happen so many times now. I have a feeling tonight will be another as Metoffice and Metcheck are at odds with each other. One giving it completely cloudy and the other completely clear.

"organisation of half-baked, crackpot wasters that call themselves The Met Office"

That sums it up nicely!

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Fog / low cloud is hard to forecast for a specific location - one place may be clear and another only a mile or so away can be socked in. That's where local knowledge is worth more than all the weather forecasting computers & satellites in existence, and always will be. The wind strength & direction can be critical. The forecasts can help warn when conditions likely to lead to the formation of fog are possible, they're reasonably accurate about this.

The IR sat images are also totally useless as they can't distinguish between damp ground & the top of a thin layer of fog / very low cloud, the temperature is the same.

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the fog rolled in where I live quickly too, 11.30am today and the fog still hasn't cleared. On a side note even when I looked up and could not see a single star, my Atik 1HS II was still putting one on the pc screen, my those are sensitive cameras...

Good luck for tonight, I think were gonna need it.....

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Been foggy all morning here and misty most of the pm. Forecast said there would be sunny spells this pm, but they have yet to materialise in Epsom.

It was beautiful and sunny in Brighton when I went down for work this am. About 5 miles out, it was like a curtain over the M23, where the fog began.

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I think fog is tricky but one thing that always annoys me is when we have high pressure to the east. We are at the foot of peak district on the east side. High pressure to the east means one thing for us - dull, uniform, grey cloud, sometimes for 2 weeks on end. My sister on the west side in Stockport will have a glorious 2 weeks. I know this will happen so why don't the met office seem to grasp it. It's a big enough area that is affected. What's worse is when they say - we're all enjoying sunshine this morning when I'm sat under cloud. They just don't seem good with high pressures and topography.

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