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Collimator for xmas

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My fellow astronomers!

I am thinking about a getting a collimator from my brother who lives in the USA for my xmas pressy, I have a Cheshire but been wondering about him getting me a Hutech or Catseye.

Which in your opinion would be the better choice and why please, it would be used on my F/4 Newt and SNT.

Thanks Pete

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Hi Pete,

Just got the Hotech crosshair colli myself so I cant comment on the catseye. All I can say is I am someone who has only just got into astronomy properly and was able to collimate my 300P in under 5 minutes with it. So I am hugely impressed with it. The build quality is superb and feels like its really going to last.

Just one word of warning. I purchased mine from the US at an incredible price but then got stung for nearly £20 on import and handling charges which bought the cost close to the price you can get it here in the UK for. With the added bonus of not having to wait nearly a month for it to arrive aswell.

Good luck with whichever you choose.


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