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Its arrived! 300p

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The brings up an interesting phenomenon. Because the Moon is so bright, it leaves an image in our mind as being larger than it actually is. Sitting here in the day at work and trying to picture the Pleiades and the Moon, I can convince myself that the Moon completely covers the Pleiades.

But this isn't true! My mind has tricked me! See

APOD: 2005 April 14 - April's Moon and the Pleiades.

And the Hyades cluster is much bigger, eleven full moons across.

OMG! :rolleyes: I would have put good money at any bookies that the moon was bigger than the Pliedes.


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I have to say that the problem with the screw hole is what I'd expect if I tightened up the other screws before putting the others in... These are NOT precision engineered instruments at this price. I'd expect things to be a little tight on tolerance out of the box.

Having said that, it doesn't affect the views once collimated :rolleyes:

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Sorry if I've got the "wrong end of the stick" on this but if the cell does not have the notch for the tube seam in it then the tube could deform slightly because of the seam pressing against the notchless rim of the cell - could that slight deformation be why the screw holes don't quite match ? Isay this because I had a similar problem with an 8" dob - but that was because I did not spot the notch in the cell and therefore did not fit the tube seam into it !.

Interestingly the 300P model that was tested by Ade Ashford in Astronomy Now when it 1st came out had a welded (therefore seamless) tube - I can recall Ade being pleasantly suprised by that.


The tube has a seam running down the outside, You cant see the seam from the inside of the ota.

The cell has a circular seam for the tube to go into but no notch like the pictures the user posted.

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